Would you like to make the mod playable in another language? Gemstones wollongongĬontact the developer first and then you can translate the language files of ET and give them to the developer. Even without modding skills you can help by writing start texts, national ideas or dynamic province names in the relevant discussions on the mod's workshop page. Would you like to help the develop improve and expand ET? Contact the developer for details preferably via private discussion at the Paradox forums or leave a comment in the mod's Steam Workshop page. Extended Timeline extends the playable timeline from the year 2 AD toas well as multiple bookmarks, among which the Roman-Parthian War at 58AD and the Present Day the date of the release of the latest version of the mod.ĮT adds over countries with historical territories and all known rulers at any given date, over new provinces removing all wastelands, dozens of new religions with most of the having their own unique events and decisions, additional cultures, additional technologies, about additional decisions, about additional events such as the fall of Romethe rise of Islam, the Great Schismand much more.